Blog Enterprise Graphique PowerPoint Charting Report Automation

From its release in 1990, Microsoft PowerPoint has been the world’s most ubiquitous presentation tool. Probably the easiest-to-use presentation graphics software, PowerPoint is a fool-proof package which hands you everything you need to create a presentation that always looks put-together enough to make you feel like a professional. Word processing, graphing, drawing and presentation management tools are all at your fingertips and are designed for easy use and learning. Plus, those nifty transitions are always pretty fun.

For Market Research reporters, PowerPoint is your best friend — a sure-fire way of enabling effective data transmission and navigating the tedious world of research data like a pro. You can choose between creating your own unique design or using pre-installed templates, you can store your PowerPoint on online cloud storage and, if you’re not keen babbling to your team for 45 minutes until someone’s suggests a coffee break, you can heavily rely on images and videos to really drive your argument.

So, it’s clear that PowerPoint is great for market researchers themselves, but why does PowerPoint have such a powerful effect on its viewers?

Picture yourself back in high-school: sitting in a two-hour chemistry class at the end of a long day. You feel yourself nodding off as the teacher scrawls endless numbers, letters and equations on a stained old whiteboard. Granted, an alternative PowerPoint presentation wouldn’t make you jump for joy either, but it’s certainly a more engaging alternative. In fact, 90% of the information processed by the brain is visual and it takes only 13 milliseconds for the human brain to process an image. Our brains are built for visual information, and processes images 60,000 times faster than text! No wonder you have a couple hundred gifs saved on your phone…

As a form of multimedia which helps to present information in multiple ways, including the projection of images, colour and videos, PowerPoint stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain: basically, the part of your brain that sends happy signals when you see something visually pleasing, like a blue sky or one of those cotton-ball dogs. So instead of becoming overwhelmed by large amounts of data, your brain is comfortably receptive to the information it is being sent: studies show that people remember 65% of what they see, compared to 10% of what they hear.

Colour schemes and animations alone, however, are not enough. It is important that presentations stay on topic, are limited to a palatable, concise number of slides, and are organised well. With that in mind, feel confident that PowerPoint presentations can transform your Market Research Reporting, taking it to a whole new level.